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Adaptive Course Design

This guide enables faculty to design quality courses on Schoology. These courses can be taught remotely or traditionally. The main guiding feature of this LibGuide is the Adaptive Course Design Rubric.

Full Course Presence on Schoology

Schoology Template Access: Visit this Schoology Group: Adaptive Course Design Groups (open to all Carthage Faculty) to access these templates. 

If you would like to access the actual Adaptive Course Design Templates Course on Schoology, please email Zubia Mughal:

2. Full Course Presence on Schoology:

  1. A general Q&A Discussion Board appears at the top of the page to handle general course related questions.
  2. All course materials (for live or remote delivery) are placed in folders organized for easy navigation by students.
  3. The top level folder contains information regarding how to navigate this course, and the following: syllabus, course introduction information, communication expectations, virtual office hours, and instructor introduction.
  4. Folders are created to organize chunks of information into manageable pieces, beginning with weeks, and including sub-folders for specific days and types of materials. Materials are accessible to students who may or may not be present for a class meeting (as demonstrated in course templates).

Why create a General Q/A Discussion Board

  1. Think of this discussion board as a "virtual hallway", where students wait for you after class to ask general, course related questions. 
  2. Answering once on the General Q/A Discussion Board, answers the question for everyone in the class. 
  3. Keeps an important communication channel open between instructor and student. 

Course Material Organization within Folders

  1. Create folders within your course to organize your content.
  2. Folders can be color coded to define content, assignments and assessments.
  3. Folders can be referred to as "Weekly Modules", "Units" or "Chapters" depending on how the material is organized. These can be marked dates or days when the class meets. 
  4. Folder organization offers consistency in navigation for students. 

Why create a Welcome to the Course Folder?

  1. This is the first folder students experience on Schoology. 
  2. It contains student and instructor introductions.
  3. It provides Syllabus, Carthage Help and Accessibility information. 
  4. This is where students "meet and greet" and get oriented to the course requirements. 

TIP: This is a great place to capture student interest through transparency and by demonstrating the role of this course in their professional/personal lives. Use videos, news links or article links combined with discussion board activity to promote discipline-related discussion. Provide feedback to every discussion! 

How to Transfer Course Materials to Folders on Schoology

  1. Schoology offers a great space for instructors to "centralize" their materials. Students can have access to these materials regardless of the time and their location. 
  2. Use Backward Planning to organize your Learning Outcomes and align them with course materials and assessment items. 
  3. Organize your content using Weekly/Unit Folders as presented in the ACD Schoology Course Template. 
  4. Recommended: Each Weekly/Unit Folder has its learning outcomes listed on the folder label. 
  5. Create assignments (Schoology Assignments, Discussion Board, Portfolio Activity, Blog etc) within the folder that are aligned with its learning outcomes. Assignments on Schoology
  6. Create assessments (Quiz: Short Answers, MCQ. T/F, Matching, etc.) within the folder that are aligned with its learning outcomes. Assessments on Schoology
  7. Add the related content (Power Point, Instructor Videos, External Links, PDF etc) to the folders. Course Materials on Schoology

Workshop Sessions

  1. Rubrics for Feedback and Grading
  2. Getting Started with Articulate Rise
  3. Creating Groups on Schoology for Project-Based Learning