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Adaptive Course Design

This guide enables faculty to design quality courses on Schoology. These courses can be taught remotely or traditionally. The main guiding feature of this LibGuide is the Adaptive Course Design Rubric.

Traditional Assignments, (not online Exams or Assessments)


How would you use the Assignments feature in Schoology?

  1. Allows the student to upload a traditional paper assignment
  2. Students can submit a presentation, (i.e. PowerPoint)
  3. Allows the student to submit a video file of up to 500MB
  4. If students have a take home final exam that is not an online quiz, this is the best option.
  5. If students need to share their papers or presentations for peer review, this should be setup using the discussion board.

How would I give feedback on assignments written this way?
Once an assignment is turned in, there are a number of options for giving feedback.

  1. Click on the assignment, then on the submitted item from the student, this will bring you into the annotation editor inside of Schoology
  2. Inside the Annotation Editor, you can use a number of markup tools, or add a comment on the right hand side of your suggested edits
  3. Use the rubric feature and applying it to the assignment
  4. Download the file submission, make your comments in Microsoft Review, then re-upload the file back to Schoology.

Best Practices

  1. When setting up the assignment to be collected, make sure to attach additional assignment instructions, (even if they are located elsewhere)
  2. When scaffolding assignments, have students turn in items along the way, which allows for feedback.  These can either be ungraded or part of the overall assignment grade.
  3. Consider using the rubric grading feature in Schoology.  While it takes some time to setup, it can save time overall depending on how many students need to be assessed.

How to create and assignment and give feedback in Schoology

Returning files to Students